Thursday, September 11, 2008

c++ program example of inheritance and virtual function

#include < stdio.h>
#include < iostream.h>
#include < stdlib.h>

// Prototype graphics library function to draw a circle

void glib_draw_circle (int x, int y, int radius);

// Shape base class declaration

class Shape



int m_x; // X coordinate

int m_y; // Y coordinate


// Pure virtual function for drawing

virtual void Draw() = 0;

// A regular virtual function

virtual void MoveTo(int newX, int newY);

// Regular method, not overridable.

void Erase();

// Constructor for Shape

Shape(int x, int y);

// Virtual destructor for Shape

virtual ~Shape();


// Circle class declaration

class Circle : public Shape



int m_radius; // Radius of the circle


// Override to draw a circle

virtual void Draw();

// Constructor for Circle

Circle(int x, int y, int radius);

// Destructor for Circle

virtual ~Circle();


// Shape constructor implementation

Shape::Shape(int x, int y)


m_x = x;

m_y = y;


// Shape destructor implementation





// Circle constructor implementation

Circle::Circle(int x, int y, int radius) : Shape (x, y)


m_radius = radius;


// Circle destructor implementation





// Circle override of the pure virtual Draw method.

void Circle::Draw()


glib_draw_circle(m_x, m_y, m_radius);


void main()


// Define a circle with a center at (50,100) and a radius of 25

Shape *pShape = new Circle(50, 100, 25);

// Define a circle with a center at (5,5) and a radius of 2

Circle aCircle(5,5, 2);

// Various operations on a Circle via a Shape pointer


pShape->MoveTo(100, 100);


delete pShape;

// Invoking the Draw method directly

